I wonder though, is this a sign that the Twitter obsession has gone too far? On the one hand, and speaking as someone who is always up for some celebrity gossip, it is very insightful to see what certain celebs are getting up to in their spare time, for example; through this site, CelebrityTweet I can see that Lance Armstrong is reading the Wall Street Journal at his home in Texas.
Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher are also two very famous Twitter enthusiasts but have recently threatened to boycott the whole thing because of the level of attention they are getting for it. It has also been alleged that a TV production is under way to document the rise of Twitter , and, not wanting to be involved in this, the couple have said that if this was to go ahead they would no longer use the social networking site.
But did they bring it upon themselves in the first place by openly using Twitter ? And all that business about Kutcher posting pics of Demi in her bikini, which is obviously going to get you more attention, especially from the press!
It is fascinating to have such an insight into the lives of celebrities who normally keep themselves so private, especially when this insight has been consented by the celebrities themselves. However, I do fear that all this media attention celebrity Twitter pages are getting is going to cause celebs to either stop publicising such intimate information (e.g pictures of their other halfs in their swimwear) or to stop using the site altogether.
I personally have a Twitter account ( you can access it through my profile -->) but hardly ever use it, and only have 2 followers! (One is Stephen Fry - I love him, and my sister!) I guess also, the people I really want to know what i' m doing are all on my Facebook page anyway, and the 'What's on your mind' button does exactly the same thing as Twitter just on a smaller scale.
On another less debatable note, I went charity shop shopping today (something I ALWAYS find time for) in Oxford and came across two rather lovely items which I have to show you.

The skirt was £4 and ideally would be great a little smaller so it would sit better on my waist but I think i'm gonna wear it as a dress with leggings as it has a great elasticated back.
The scarf is such a pretty colour, you can't really see it properly in the picture but I have a thing about scarfs and I can add this one to my ever-growing collection! It was only £1, which I thought was pretty good!
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