I am truely sorry to have neglected you for the past two months. Please forgive me and don't take it personally, I have just been crazily busy.
I promise to write more often, I have missed you lots.
It's been a crazy 2 months here in Southampton and I regret to say I have had so many things to do that I have indeed neglected this blog. SORRY GUYS :(
But i'm back now and I promise to write more often, in fact i've really missed rambling along in my little blog and can't believe it's been two months already. I haven't caught up with any of the blogs I follow in ages and this makes me sad! But my life is kind of crazy at the moment...I have some HUGE major deadlines coming up and have two in the last two weeks which is not good!
Apart from work I haven't been up to much, apart from gym-going and the occasional run with Sophie, which has been fun, if slightly painful. I'm going to my first Salsa class on Monday which should be hilarious as I have no co-ordination and cannot dance for love nor money but it's free so why not?!
I went to the LG Snowboard FIS World Cup last weekend in Battersea which was AMAZING. These guys just blow me away, they were so awesome. Sadly, the two brits Ben Kilner and Jamie Nicholls didn't make it to the final, despite an amazing 1st and 2nd round! But I had a great time and saw a few famous faces, including Rick James from T4! haha! I tried to catch his eye but he just walked on by...he is literally a GIANT though - like 7 ft tall! haha!

Sorry for the crappy quality, I think this is Jamie Nicholls but it might be Ben so I apologise in advance...it's very hard to tell from that shot. I was closer than it seems it's just my rubbish camera...anyway you'll have to take my word for it but it was amazing! These guys deserve more credit than they get.
My only concern was the serious lack of GIRLS! Where are you ladies? Snowboarding isn't just for guys!